Our drivers are professionally trained to transport you safely and efficiently.
We specialize in Non-emergency wheelchair and stretcher transportation service.
Wheelchair Accessible Taxi
Wheelchair accessible taxis (WATs) allow people who use wheelchairs to
transport from one location to another or travel in their wheelchair provided
that they and the wheelchair can be safely restrained in the vehicle.
WATs are vehicles designed to carry 1 or more people seated in wheelchairs.
Stretcher Accessible Taxi
Stretcher accessible taxis (SATs) are intended for use by clients that
are unable to sit upright for medical or comfort reasons.
SATs are vehicles designed to carry a stretcher with seating for escorts
and family members.
Head Office
Post code 392-0012
103-6 Shiga Suwa City
Nagano Pref. Japan
T E L 0266-53-1121
F A X 0266-58-1194
Email info@suwakotsu.com
Operations center
Suwa 0266-52-1190
Okaya 0266-22-1190
Chino 0266-72-1190
Social Welfare Division
T E L 0266-52-1130
For reservations